Educate & Motivate
Lesson ideas, organization & management tips, and general insights within the world of Art Education.
Having Deep Conversations About Art: Free Resource
Getting your students to have deep and meaningful conversations about artwork and art history enriches their experience in the classroom and broadens their understanding of art!
Art Vocabulary Building
Help students articulate what they are seeing with this printable handout of describing words for visual art.
Clay Cakes
Use frosting tips and bags to “pipe” on clay frosting onto clay cakes with your students in this fun art project!
Hula Hoop Radial Weavings
Use hula hoops to create radial weavings with your art classes as you teach about color theory and symmetry.
Shell Paintings
Create tiny shell paintings with you students in this unique art project that hones skills in fine brushwork and color mixing!
Clay Slab Houses
This STEAM clay art project teaches students how to calculate their own paper templates for clay houses that they then detail with textures and colors to achieve a creative vision.
Faux Stained Glass Animals
A beautiful (and easy) faux stained glass effect is a great addition to school displays and shows—try this fun art project with your students!
Art Parody Tunnel Books
Creating parodies of famous artwork through mixed media tunnel books is a great way to teach about art history and get students excited about the brainstorming process!
Metamorphosis Agamographs
Metamorphosis Agamographs are great with any medium (colored pencil, acrylic, watercolor). Teach your students about optical art, and push their creativity with this art project!
Wire Insects
Wire insects are a great art project to get students working with a variety of wire techniques and small details. Teach your students about wire joining!
Origami House Books
These origami folding house books are a fun art project that pushes students creativity and are really easy to teach and prep for. Paper and markers, colored pencils, and mixed media all look great with these!
Clay House Facades
Clay House Facades get students working with a variety of textures and small details—finish them any way you like (glaze, acrylic, watercolor) and they all turn out great! Teach your students about architecture, slab rolling, and facade design in this art project.
Why You Should Try Needle Felting
Needle felting is amazing because it’s relatively simple to learn, the supply list is small, and yet anything can be made! Learn about needle felting cacti and felt painting and how you might use them in your classes to get students acquiring skills and having fun with felt.
Ceramic Busts
Sculpting clay busts is incredibly fun because there’s so much to it—hairstyles, skin textures, wrinkles, eye shapes, expressions, and more. Learn how to sculpt a clay bust and teach it to your students so that they can put their own creative spin on the classic art of human sculpture.
3D Clay Picture Frames
These 3D Clay Frames are a wonderful ceramics project that can be hung or made to stand like an easel for display. Cut out the templates and design the inside to create a sculpted photograph!
Metal Foil Mobiles
Wire and metal foil mobiles are a great art project for teaching your students about kinetic art and the work of Alexander Calder.
Surprising Ways to Teach Wheel-Throwing
Teach your students how to throw pottery on a wheel confidently with these three surprising yet helpful tips.
Drawing Exercises for the First Week of School
Unique and creative drawing prompts involving adjectives and nouns for students to practice their creativity and vocabulary!